Easter Activities at Walt Disney World
Easter is a wonderful time to visit Walt Disney World, with the Beautiful Flower and Garden festival underway and an assortment of great holiday activities happening throughout the Walt Disney World Resort here are a few of the great Easter activities waiting for...

Did You Know About…. Epcot's Easter Egg Hunt?
That’s right Epcot has an Easter Egg hunt available for guests at the park. Doesn't searching around a beautiful Disney park during the Flower and Garden Festival in the middle of spring sound like the bee’s knee’s!Search around world showcase for your favorite...
Disney Adds New Dining Plan Option
This morning Disney added a new 4th option to the dining plans available as a part of your Walt Disney World Vacation Package. This new plan is called the Dining Plan Plus and includes features similar to the Deluxe Dining Plan in that your meal credits can be...

REAL ID- What you need to know
What is a REAL ID?After the terrorist attack on 9/11, the government identified a major issue with DMVs across the country. They were not collecting adequate identity information when issuing photo IDs and driver licenses. A set of reforms was put into place including...

Have a Tasty New Year- Disney Free Dining Released for Select Summer 2020 Dates
Happy New Year from the Sandcastle Wishes Travel team!!! Disney released a new promotional offer today for select 2020 Summer travel dates. As always availability is limited under this promotion, so if you are considering a summer vacation to Walt Disney...
Magic Candle Company
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About Our Vacation Genies

Sonya Little - Owner / Agent of Travel

Alexandra McDonald - Vacation Genie

Alli and Zach Ellrod - Vacation Genie

April Woodfin - Vacation Genie

Ashley Hodgens - Vacation Genie

Chrissy McConaughy - Vacation Genie

Delilah McBride - Vacation Genie

Heather Burroughs - Vacation Genie

Meagan Berni - Vacation Genie

Miranda Gathof - Vacation Genie

Shannon Daily - Vacation Genie

Taylor Adamson - Vacation Genie